Changing Your Diet to Boost Your Mood

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A fast-paced, hectic existence that juggles the demands of family life, work, and life administration with the need for time out, a social life, and time to exercise and eat well can all become too much at times. Living in the twenty-first century can all too often lead to stress and depression. Anxiety and depression are two common conditions associated with modern living.

Depression is a serious business, and medications and talking therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be extremely beneficial. However, if we’re feeling a little down emotionally, a few dietary changes could help to improve our mental health and prevent us from developing a low mood.
Eating mood-boosting foods during the darker months of autumn and winter can also help if we suffer from the seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, which is a type of winter depression caused by fewer hours of daylight each day. Here are ten foods that may improve your mood!

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