According to experts, we can have beliefs about what is or isn’t healthy that we acquired as children that last a lifetime. But what if scientific investigation disproves those beliefs?
Here are eight diet, exercise, and sleep assumptions that don’t pass the smell test.
Myth No. 1: Since popular diets are widely used, they must be effective
Rapid weight loss It’s alluring, but the typical fad diet places a strong emphasis on restricting dietary intake, frequently by outlawing entire food groups. For instance, Keto forbids the use of grains, legumes, and all fruits other than a few berries. Restrictive diets “tend to fail in the long run,” according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and cutting out essential micronutrients is unhealthy.
According to Nina Taylor, education manager at the National Alliance for Eating Disorders, this kind of restriction frequently causes weight cycling and over the long run results in weight gain instead of weight loss.
Weight cycling, often known as yo-yo dieting, is the practice of going on and off of diets repeatedly. Research has connected this eating behavior to higher levels of body fat, blood pressure, and cholesterol, all of which increase the risk of coronary heart disease and sudden cardiac death in women.
Research has shown that eating a plant-based diet, managing your sugar intake, and reducing mindless eating are excellent methods to lengthen your life.
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