According to science, there are eight ways in which love affects your brain

According to science, there are eight ways in which love affects your brain

One of the most powerful emotions in the universe is love. When someone falls in love, their entire perspective changes. Think about the last time you fell in love. You were probably affected physically, intellectually, and emotionally. When you’re in love, the way you feel can drastically transform your life. That is not an opinion; it is a fact. While it may appear that love is only a whimsy that resides only in the emotional heart. However, studies have revealed that love changes us in our physical bodies, specifically our brains. Love has the power to alter your brain chemistry in unexpected ways you may not have imagined possible. Check out these 8 ways that love impacts your brain, according to scientists, to understand more about how love influences us on the deepest levels.

Euphoric feelings

Euphoric feelings

You know that blissful feeling you get when you first fall hard for someone? Science demonstrates that this sensation is more than just your heart melting in the devotion to your special someone. When you are in love, your brain derives pleasure from its reward system. Love causes the release of dopamine, which is felt as pleasure.

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