When it comes to your significant other or spouse, it can be tempting to tell them everything about your life. It is normal to want to tell them everything and completely immerse yourself in each other’s lives because they are your person. While this may sound romantic to some, doing everything and sharing everything with your lover might actually be detrimental. When there is no longer any mystery, things begin to alter. When you grow so open and connected to your partner, the spark might sometimes dissipate, which is something many couples wish they could keepIf you want to keep some allure in your relationship, you should keep some things for yourself. When you’re on your toes, this can help you maintain that “first date” sensation, that spark or chemistry. Check out five things you should not share with your better half to keep that feeling alive.
This may go without saying for some, while others may find it cringe-worthy. Sharing toothbrushes, on the other hand, is strictly prohibited. Sharing a toothbrush at your first sleepover was lovely and endearing, but it’s better kept as a one-time occurrence. Using the same toothbrush can just transfer more germs between you two.
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