These young children’s IQs (IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient, it’s a score that measures a person’s intellectual abilities and cognitive skills compared to their age and age group.) keep rising along with technology. Many have learned how to circumvent all the security precautions and rules you have set up to protect them from internet dangers. The truth is that utilizing the internet comes with a number of actual risks. We must therefore always seek out more effective measures to protect our young children from harm. Fortunately, these monitoring tips can reassure you’re concerned parents and assist you in reaching your objective.
18- Open surfing
Since they are children, you never know what activities or links they may be persuaded to click on that could lead them to potentially hazardous websites. Put the computer somewhere open where you can see the screen from anywhere to prevent this. So that your eyes are always open, focused, and on the lookout for internet risks, whether you’re sitting on the sofa or across the room.