PCOS: 8 Natural Strategies to Balance Your Hormones

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8- Treat PCOS with Ayurvedic Herbs

PCOS: 8 Natural Strategies to Balance Your Hormones

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic health system that started in India in the second century BC. PCOS is connected with the Ayurvedic illness Aarthava Kshaya, in which androgen is persistently over-produced within the female body. Ayurvedic practitioners emphasize a whole-body approach to healing, intending to achieve a healthy balance of spirit, mind, and body. PCOS treatment includes detoxification, nutrition, and relaxation for the body and mind, as well as a nutritious diet and yoga as a form of exercise.

Several Ayurvedic supplements are high in phytoestrogens, which can reduce insulin resistance and lower inflammation and can assist to correct hormonal imbalances and enhance female reproductive systems. One study on 40 PCOS patients found that ayurvedic supplementation could heal the condition’s subfertility, while a treatment trial using ayurveda medicine on an infertile PCOS woman who had attempted to conceive for 11 years resulted in a successful pregnancy.


Shatavari, which serves to discourage the development of ovarian cysts and normalize the monthly cycle, Varuna, which can reduce the size of cysts, and Bilva, which can treat uterine hemorrhage, are common Ayurveda medicines used to treat the problem. Ashwagandha, which reduces stress, Guidichi, which has a significant rejuvenating effect, and Maca, which balances hormones, are all often used to treat the illness.

If you want to utilize ayurveda pills to help control your PCOS symptoms, you should look for a pre-blended complex that has a variety of beneficial herbs. We recommend The Basics’ PCOS tea, which has Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Ginger Root, or Moon Balance’s blend, which includes Shatavari, Maca, and Hibiscus and maybe had as a lovely latte in the morning.

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