PCOS: 8 Natural Strategies to Balance Your Hormones

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7- Vitamin D to boost fertility and mood

PCOS: 8 Natural Strategies to Balance Your Hormones

Vitamin D is essential for the normal functioning of the human body and is linked to various important internal functions, including good egg formation. A lack of this vitamin can increase your risk of having high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular problems – and if you have PCOS, you’re more likely to be deficient, as 67-85% of PCOS patients are.

A deficiency of Vitamin D has also been related to metabolic syndrome, which 33% of PCOS women have, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Raising your vitamin D levels will assist – studies show that after eight weeks of supplementation, insulin, triglyceride, and cholesterol levels in overweight women with PCOS improved.

Another study published in the Clinical Nutrition Journal discovered that when combined with calcium supplementation, vitamin D had the potential to improve high blood pressure in PCOS patients. Vitamin D can also help enhance mood, and because women with PCOS frequently suffer from depression and anxiety, taking this vitamin may aid your mental health as well.


The recommended dosage of Vitamin D varies, however, adult females aged 19-50 years should consume roughly 600 IU daily. If you have PCOS, you may need to take more, or you may not get enough to noticeably improve your symptoms.

Most of us get up to 90% of our Vitamin D from sunlight, but it can be difficult to get in colder regions, especially during the winter. Despite the fact that this vitamin is found in oily fish such as mackerel and salmon, eggs, and fortified foods like cereal, many people fail to receive adequate quantities from their diet alone, which is where supplementation can help. A vitamin D deficiency is frequently associated with a sedentary lifestyle with minimal sunshine exposure, so you may need to make an active effort to increase your sun exposure in addition to supplementation. If you live in a region with little or no sunlight, a sun lamp can be an excellent option to increase your regular sunlight exposure.

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