PCOS: 8 Natural Strategies to Balance Your Hormones

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1- The PCOS diet is primordial

PCOS: 8 Natural Strategies to Balance Your Hormones

Excess body fat has been shown in research to worsen many PCOS symptoms, thus your diet and body weight are important in PCOS management. PCOS can promote excessive weight gain and make any weight acquired more difficult to remove – yet many PCOS sufferers have discovered that reducing carbohydrate intake while increasing protein intake helps them lose weight and lowers insulin resistance. This does not mean eating a low-carb diet, since this can increase the number of stress hormones in the body; instead, eat a balanced diet with a reasonable number of carbs.


Some nutrients, such as vitamin B found in green leafy vegetables and omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish and flax seeds, can help women with PCOS balance their hormone levels. Eating enough greens, such as spinach, is highly advised for PCOS patients since it is low in calories and high in Vitamin B, which is deficient in approximately 80% of women with PCOS. Because a deficiency of Vitamin B has been related to PCOS symptoms like infertility and insulin resistance, eating meals high in this nutrient may help alleviate symptoms.

When it comes to protein, look for organic, grass-fed meat that is lean, as this will not only assist to reduce the fat content of your meat, but it will also lower the hormone levels that you will consume. Non-organically raised animals are provided more hormones, and when people eat their meat, we absorb these hormones, which might affect our levels. To keep your blood sugar levels constant, ingest at least 100g of lean protein each day at regular 4-6 hour intervals.

If you have polycystic ovarian syndrome, you should make sure you’re getting enough omega-3 fatty acids, especially if you’re having trouble getting pregnant. A lack of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to infertility or the inability to sustain a pregnancy, but you can increase your intake by eating flax seeds and at least two meals of oily seafood like salmon each week.

The optimal diet for PCOS therapy is high in proteins, complex carbs, and some dairy. Anti-inflammatory foods are especially crucial because many people with PCOS have chronic inflammation, which some experts believe may contribute to the condition’s development. Simple sugars, such as those found in soda or junk food, cause inflammation, but complex carbs, such as whole grains, legumes, and non-starchy vegetables like watercress, can assist to reduce it.

The fat you eat is also important, as saturated and trans fats contribute to increased levels of inflammation. Replace dangerous saturated fats with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which can be found in nuts, fatty fish like sardines and mackerel, and oils like olive and safflower.

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