4 Common Back Stretch Misconceptions Debunked

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Myth 4: Back stretches should be performed for an extended amount of time

Back Stretch

Finally, a fourth myth is that back stretches should be performed for an extended amount of time. While some stretches should be done for a longer period of time, keep in mind that your body needs time to relax and recuperate. Excessive back stretching might result in overstretching and injury. Back stretches should be done for a few minutes at a time, with some rest in between.

Back stretches can help you improve your flexibility, alleviate pain, and boost your mobility. However, it’s crucial to realize that there are many myths about back stretches that might cause harm or worsen the problem. You can guarantee that you’re doing back stretches safely and successfully by recognizing the typical misunderstandings about them and why they’re incorrect.

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