24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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8- Lunch Meats


Lunch meats are delightful, but those delectable deli-style slices and cold cuts may be costing you your health because they are high in nitrates and preservatives. Nitrates have been linked to an increased risk of cancer, lung disease, and neurological problems, and there is evidence that they may have a harmful impact on mental health.

John Hopkins University researchers discovered that patients hospitalized for mania were three times more likely to consume cured meats than people who had never been hospitalized for psychiatric problems. Cured meat is also high in sodium, which can be problematic for persons with high blood pressure, and the link between excessive salt consumption and hypertension has been well-documented by numerous scientists.


Though it may be tempting to pick up a pack of salami or chorizo the next time you pass a deli, the abundance of preservatives in cured meat means it’s not a good idea for your health. Purchasing a fresh cut of meat from your local butcher may require you to spend more money and eat meat less frequently, but because excessive meat consumption can be harmful to your body, your health will undoubtedly thank you.

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