24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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7- Canned Foods


Most of us have a little stock of canned food in our cupboards, but eating it on a daily basis may be harmful to your health. Though it’s convenient to open a can of something when you don’t have time to cook, if you eat canned foods on a regular basis, you’ll consume more sugars and preservatives and receive less nutritional value than if you ate the fresh equivalent.

There are numerous other reasons to choose fresh versus canned food, including the fact that canned food may contain trace quantities of bisphenol A (BPA). Even at modest levels, research published in the Journal of Cancer Prevention has linked bisphenol A to a variety of human malignancies and developmental abnormalities, thus avoiding canned fruit will reduce your risk. Eating canned food on a regular basis implies you may be ingesting aluminum with your meal, which is not something you want to include in your usual diet. Aluminum in canned foods has been linked to the development of Parkinson’s, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease, so limiting your intake of canned goods is a long-term investment in your health.


Choosing fresh rather than canned not only allows you to avoid the hazardous compounds that may be hidden in cans, but it also functions as insurance against a variety of chronic ailments, including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Researchers at the University of Bonn discovered a link between increased intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and enhanced health markers in a variety of areas, including a lower risk of contracting cancer, so if you ever needed a cause to get fresh, here is it!

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