24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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5- Rhubarb Leaves


Rhubarb is great in pies and pastries, but did you know that while baking with this tasty plant, you should always use the stalk and never the leaves, as they are poisonous? Though the stalk is safe to eat, rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid, a highly toxic chemical compound that is extremely poisonous even if only a small amount is consumed.

The oxalic acid in the leaves binds to calcium ions, resulting in calcium oxalate, which can build up in the kidneys and cause kidney stones. Broccoli contains oxalic acid as well, but in much lesser amounts, therefore it does not pose a health danger.


Nausea, eye pain, seizures, kidney stones, as well as burning in the mouth and throat, and vomiting, are all symptoms of rhubarb leaf poisoning. Even a small amount of rhubarb leaves can elicit these symptoms, according to research published in the Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, whereas swallowing a big amount causes kidney failure. Because there is no safe way to eat or prepare rhubarb leaves, we believe it is best to avoid them entirely and stick to using the stalk for those delectable crumbles, pies, and pastries instead!

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