24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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4- Bitter Raw Almonds


Almonds are regarded to be highly healthy, and it’s true that including them in your diet can provide benefits ranging from an increase in antioxidants to reduced blood pressure and better blood sugar control. Almonds have also been discovered to prevent oxidative damage in the body, making them a wonderful anti-aging weapon – but there is a darker side to this small nut that many people are unaware of.

All almonds contain cyanide, but because the almonds we commonly buy are sweet almonds, the cyanide amount is too low to pose any harm to our health. If you’ve ever eaten a bitter almond, you should absolutely spit it out since the unpleasant taste implies a higher cyanide concentration – and studies have shown that cyanide levels in bitter almonds pose a major risk to human health.

Cyanide is extremely toxic, stopping oxygen from moving throughout the body, and because bitter almonds contain up to 1,000 times more of it than sweet almonds, it can cause convulsions, low blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and other symptoms. If you consume bitter almonds by accident, you should go to the nearest emergency department as soon as possible because they will be able to give you an antidote, which is the only cure for cyanide poisoning.

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