24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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2- Synthetic Sweeteners

You may believe that substituting artificial sweeteners for sugar will benefit your body, but while certain sweeteners have fewer calories, some can be harmful to your health. According to research, popular sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose can raise your chances of getting diabetes while also putting you at risk for other disorders such as heart disease, neurophysiological symptoms, and metabolic syndrome.


Aspartame is a non-saccharide artificial sweetener that is one of the most widely used – and controversial – on the market today. It’s coded as E951 in the European Union, so if you want to avoid it, check products before you buy to see if they have this number. It’s usually a good idea to avoid it because studies have shown that aspartame can induce migraines, sleeplessness, chest tightness, and visual difficulties, as well as cause healthy stomach flora to become diseased and invade the gut wall!

Sucralose has also been linked to a number of unpleasant side effects, ranging from weight gain to rises in blood sugar and insulin. Studies on rats revealed that it can disrupt the microbiome’s balance, resulting in increased inflammation, which is harmful to the body. Because artificial sweeteners pose so many risks, it’s better to go natural if you want to reduce your sugar intake while still satisfying your sweet tooth. When you need a sugar fix, instead of adding more additives, try a healthier (and safer) alternative like honey.

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