24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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24- Canned Tuna


Though tuna has numerous health benefits, including omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and vitamin D, there are some drawbacks, and eating canned tuna is not one of them.

All tuna contains some mercury, but some varieties contain less. Researchers have discovered that the bigger the tuna, the more mercury it will contain, because bigger fish consume smaller fish, hence the quantity of mercury that accumulates will be higher. Mercury poisoning has extremely significant consequences, including memory loss and seizures, and pregnant women are advised not to consume tuna at all since it can cause developmental issues for their babies.


The chemical bisphenol-A (BPA), which is utilized in the liner of the can, is particularly harmful to your health. BPA is hazardous, and several studies have connected it to a variety of significant diseases. Researchers from the University of Missouri discovered that it can promote the growth of hormone-dependent tumors and induce endocrine abnormalities and that when employed as a can lining agent, it can seep into the food stored within. It’s obvious that canned tuna should be avoided, but even if tuna that isn’t canned won’t contain BPA, you should still eat it in moderation due to the mercury in the fish.

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