24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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23- Agave Syrup


Although most people are aware of the negative health effects of sugar, many of us still believe that natural alternatives are always better. However, when it comes to Agave Syrup, a natural sweetener that is frequently marketed as a sugar substitute, this is simply not the case.

Agave syrup is created from the Agave plant, a succulent that grows in dry regions of Mexico, but science is discovering that while many people are turning to this natural sweetener to sweeten drinks and snacks, it may really be worse than sugar! Agave syrup is refined and processed, and it contains 80% fructose, which is far greater than sugar, which contains 50% fructose. High fructose foods have been shown in studies to produce insulin resistance, weight gain, and memory loss, while researchers from the University of Barcelona connected high fructose consumption to metabolic diseases and poor blood vessel function.

Ideally, you should avoid adding extra sweeteners to your drinks and meals at all costs. This is doable, but it does take some getting used to. If you want to avoid artificial sugar substitutes and yet have some sweetness in your tea, coffee, or breakfast cereal, you’d be better off substituting honey for sugar.

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