24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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22- Cow’s Milk


If you consume a lot of cow’s milk, you should consider switching to another type of white stuff because it may be harmful to your health. Cow’s milk includes lactose, a sugar that can be difficult to digest. If you’re lactose intolerant, which many people are, you may have nausea, bloating, and cramping.

Some people are lactose intolerant but are unaware of it; one way to tell is to observe how you feel after consuming milk. If you get stomach pains quickly after drinking milk, you should get tested to see if you have this problem.


Cow’s milk also includes casein, which has been linked to tumor growth, with one Korean study suggesting that it speeds up the growth of prostate cancer cells. Casein accounts for around 87% of the protein in cow’s milk and is frequently used as a polymer to produce plastics because it is a strong binder, but scientists are now learning that it may be harmful when consumed. Clinical studies have also suggested that cow’s milk may be to blame for non-seasonal asthma and migraines, therefore switching to an alternative, such as almond or rice milk, may certainly improve your health.

Also read: What Are the Reasons for Extreme Cold?

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