24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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21- Fries


Most of us can’t resist fries, whether they’re ordered from a restaurant or cooked at home, but indulging in this delectable dish too frequently could jeopardize your health. According to the New England Journal of Medicine research, the potato chip is now the leading contributor to the global obesity pandemic. Chips include acrylamide, an odorless and tasteless carcinogen that has been linked to a range of health issues, including DNA damage and elevated inflammatory markers. Researchers determined that acrylamide from meals may raise the risk of heart disease in one study published in the American Journal of Nutrition.


Researchers have also determined that eating fries more than twice a week can quadruple your chance of death. Over an eight-year period, researchers in Italy followed 4440 people aged 45 to 79, 236 of whom died. They discovered an increased mortality risk among individuals who regularly consumed fried potatoes after studying the participants’ potato-eating habits.

It’s fine to have fries once in a while, but make sure you cook them in healthy oil that hasn’t been warmed. Reheated oil emits hazardous aldehydes, which have been related to cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson’s disease, so if you’re going to fry chips, use fresh oil every time.

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