24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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1- Concentrated fruit juice


Fruit juice is regarded as a healthy option, but if it’s from concentrate, you’re better off sticking to water, as this thirst-quenching refresher isn’t actually nutritious. Most concentrated juices have gone through a rigorous evaporation, filtering, and pasteurization procedure, which is bad news for your body. Though pasteurization may extend the shelf life of the juice, the vitamins contained in the juice are extremely heat sensitive, meaning that much of the good stuff is leached away.

Then there’s the high fructose content of concentrated juices – a Princeton University study discovered that too much fructose can overload the small intestine and contribute to obesity. Even non-concentrated juice contains a lot of fructose, which has been linked to metabolic syndrome and an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease in studies. Because additives are frequently used to make concentrated juice a brighter color and taste better, you may end up consuming far more toxins than you bargained for!

Though it’s better than a can of soda, a glass of fresh juice or water, or making your own fruit smoothie from raw fruit, is preferable. Because of the high sugar level, you should limit yourself to one glass of fresh juice each day – and the healthiest alternative of all is to eat your fruit intact.

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