24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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18- Ready Meals


When time is short, ready meals may appear to be a convenient option, but they lack many of the nutrients you’d get if you prepared and cooked your own meal. quick meals, like takeout, have a high sugar and salt content, and a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition discovered that quick meal intake is associated with belly obesity and poor adherence to appropriate nutritional recommendations.


Another study conducted by the National Institute of Health revealed that those who consume ultra-processed foods such as ready meals consume approximately 500 more calories per day than those who follow an unprocessed diet. Their research also reveals that those who eat ready meals eat faster than persons who eat minimally processed foods – another factor that could lead to weight gain.

Although ready meals are a quick option, because most portion sizes are smaller than the average takeaway, they are much less likely to fill you up and leave you wanting to eat again soon after. Because they are often loaded with chemicals and preservatives, they aren’t the healthiest option, so you’d be much better off opting for a less processed meal or snack.

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