24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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17- Sports Drinks


Sports drinks are a convenient thirst quencher after a hard workout at the gym, and they appear to be packed with rehydrating and revitalizing vitamins and minerals that will aid our bodies’ recovery. Unfortunately, they are also high in sugar, and they frequently contain a slew of artificial flavors and colorings, making them far from healthy.

Too much sugar, according to research, can cause tooth decay and put you at risk of obesity, while a study from the University of Florida suggests it can increase your risks of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


While sports drinks may not contain as much sugar as soda, they are close enough to cause an insulin spike. This may give you a short burst of energy, but you’ll soon crash, and because it stimulates rapid glucose uptake, which causes glucose to be stored in fatty tissue, it can be a major contributor to diabetes and excess weight gain.

Sodium levels in sports drinks are also too high, despite the fact that a University of Cape Town study discovered they don’t prevent a reduction in sodium levels – one of the main reasons they’re drunk in the first place! Finally, if you want to stay healthy after working out on the treadmill, it’s best to rehydrate with water, since you can be sure you’re not consuming too much sugar, salt, or hazardous artificial chemicals.

Also read: What Are the Reasons for Extreme Cold?

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