24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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16- Raw Meat


Raw meat is contaminated and can induce toxoplasmosis, a dangerous disease with symptoms such as muscle soreness, headache, sore throat, and enlarged lymph nodes. Toxoplasmosis symptoms may be exacerbated if you already have immune system issues, as it can cause impaired vision, confusion, nausea, and balance issues.


It’s considerably worse if raw meat has been left out in the air to rot and collect bacteria, but eating raw meat may cause stomach distress even if it’s not contaminated, especially if you’re not used to eating it. Tufts University and Cummings Veterinary Medical School researchers discovered that the risk of contamination and bacteria transmitted by raw meat was so great that it couldn’t even be recommended for animal eating!

Of course, not all raw meat is contaminated, and even if you do eat contaminated raw meat, you won’t become sick, but because humans aren’t actually supposed to consume raw meat in the first place, why risk it? It’s important to avoid any potential toxoplasmosis infection, and one of the easiest ways to do so is to make sure your meat is well-cooked. Regardless of how well-cooked your meat is, it’s critical to never keep it out of the refrigerator for extended periods of time to avoid consuming bacteria that can cause stomach distress or diarrhea.

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