24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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15- Green Potatoes


Much is known about the health benefits of the humble potato, but little is known about the drawbacks of this inexpensive and versatile meal. Potatoes can trigger weight gain depending on how they are prepared and how often you eat them, especially if they are deep-fried. Because frying foods are completely soaked in oil, they have a higher calorie count, so baking or boiling is always preferable.

If you consume a lot of potatoes, you should be aware that they might induce a blood sugar increase because they are a high glycemic food. If you have hyperglycemia or diabetes, it is advisable to choose a healthier choice, such as the sweet potato, which has a lower glycemic index and is better for your body overall.


Another thing to keep an eye out for if you like potatoes is the color of your starchy snack. Green potatoes should never be consumed because they contain solanine, a glycoalkaloid toxin found in the nightshade family species. According to one investigation by Alexander Pavlista, a professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, swallowing just 16 ounces of green potatoes can make you sick – the equivalent of one giant baked potato! The bottom line is, if you see a green spud in your pack, don’t eat it; instead, throw it – but if you want to be super-healthy, try switching from standard baked potatoes to sweet baked potatoes instead.

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