24 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Dangerous

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14- Raw Cashews


Cashews are a great addition to a healthy diet because they are high in protein, fiber, and iron. Cashews, which are abundant in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, were discovered in one randomized controlled trial published by the American Society for Nutrition to potentially serve a helpful impact in decreasing LDL cholesterol.

Cashews are not always free of problems, however, because they are high in calories, so limit your consumption to tiny amounts at a time. An even more serious disadvantage of cashew nut eating has been discovered by research: they can create allergies, which can result in severe reactions such as anaphylaxis.


Raw cashew nuts, for example, should never be consumed since they are exceedingly hazardous, according to many studies, including one published in the Indian Journal of Critical Care. This is due to the presence of the toxin urushiol in raw cashew shells, which is also found in poison ivy and oak. Urushiol poisoning from cashews has been linked to a variety of unpleasant symptoms ranging from dermatitis and rashes to more serious allergic reactions. The good news is that raw cashews are rarely found on grocery shelves since most cashews are roasted, which removes the urushiol toxin. If you happen to come across them, it’s best to avoid them because you don’t know how you’ll respond and it’s not worth the risk.

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