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11- Store-bought Salad Dressings


Salad dressings from the store are heavy in sugar, high fructose syrup, and fat, and they often contain a lot of salt, so they’re not the ideal way to cap off an otherwise healthy salad. Too much salt is known to cause high blood pressure, and high-fructose syrup has been linked to metabolic dysregulation and the establishment of intestinal tumors.

Many supermarket dressings contain extra preservatives and additives to improve flavor and color while masking cheap ingredients – this is especially common when purchasing fat-free dressing.

Instead, dressing your salad with olive oil and balsamic or apple cider vinegar is a lot healthier option – and it’s also very delicious and simple to create at home. Blend 3 tablespoons olive oil with a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, then add a touch of pepper, garlic, and basil for a quick and easy salad dressing that tastes fantastic and is good for your health.

Also read: 8 foods that accelerate the aging process

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