10 Fibromyalgia Symptom Management Strategies

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7- Practice Yoga

10 Fibromyalgia Symptom Management Strategies

Yoga is an excellent kind of exercise if you have fibromyalgia symptoms since it is generally easy, improves muscle strength, posture, and flexibility, and is extremely relaxing. It also teaches you how to be more conscious and present, as well as how to control uncomfortable episodes with breathing techniques.


The jury is still out on whether yoga directly aids with pain management, with some research claiming that it does and others claiming that the advantages are minor. As a result, some studies believe that fibromyalgia-specific yoga is required to be truly beneficial. Yoga proved to lessen pain and muscle exhaustion, as well as improve sleep and daytime fatigue, according to one encouraging study.

The research is ongoing, but one thing is certain: contemplative movement, such as yoga, helps to ease troubled sleep, weariness, and sadness. Even if yoga does not help with pain management, it can help with the other key fibromyalgia symptoms.

If you’re new to yoga, begin with a beginner’s class, either in person or online. Take your time learning the fundamentals and never push yourself above your limits. Plan to practice once or twice a week for a few months to see if it works for you.

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