10 Fibromyalgia Symptom Management Strategies

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3- Take Action to Get Enough High-Quality Sleep

10 Fibromyalgia Symptom Management Strategies

Fibromyalgia is a condition known to affect sleep patterns, resulting in disrupted, poor-quality sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation causes weariness, anger, poor attention, and depression, which can all be symptoms of the disorder.

Fibromyalgia pain can make it difficult to sleep, and not getting enough sleep can make your pain response worse – a vicious cycle. Furthermore, fibromyalgia might lower your pain threshold, causing you to feel pain more strongly.

As a result, it is critical to do all possible to get enough excellent quality, restorative sleep. Following good sleep hygiene will help you sleep better. This entails developing a soothing, quiet nighttime routine that tells your brain that it’s time to sleep and turn off.

The first step is to go to bed and wake up every day, even on weekends. This helps to train your body clock to recognize when it is fatigued and when it is awake.

Likewise, avoid doing anything too stimulating in the hour or so before bed. This includes abstaining from caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, heavy meals, strenuous exercise, and viewing stimulating television. It also means avoiding using your smartphone, tablet, or laptop because the blue light emitted by the screens fools the brain into believing it is daytime.

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