10 Fibromyalgia Symptom Management Strategies

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2- Engage in Moderate Workouts on a Regular Basis

10 Fibromyalgia Symptom Management Strategies

When you’re in physical discomfort and exhausted, the last thing you want to do is exercise. Nonetheless, studies repeatedly suggest that persons with fibromyalgia benefit from the frequent activity. Nonetheless, it is critical not to overdo things and instead to strike the proper balance.

Moderate aerobic exercise has been demonstrated to improve the quality of life of fibromyalgia patients. In one study of nearly 400 women with the illness, “mild physical exercise” was linked to less physical discomfort and exhaustion, as well as an improvement in overall symptoms.

Walking and gentle swimming are examples of light exercise. You can start cautiously, for a short period of time or distance, and gradually increase your resilience. Pool exercise sessions are regarded to be more useful since the water supports the body, potentially working the muscles harder with each movement.

Extreme cardio workouts, such as running or a HIIT class, may be too strenuous for someone suffering from fibromyalgia, but resistance exercise can be beneficial. Resistance exercise, often known as strength training, can include both bodyweight exercises like squats and lunges as well as the use of light, manageable hand weights.

Research demonstrates such exercise can lead to a “decrease in pain, exhaustion, number of tender points, sadness, and anxiety, with increased functional capacity and quality of life”.

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