10 Fibromyalgia Symptom Management Strategies

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Managing Your Fibromyalgia Symptoms

10 Fibromyalgia Symptom Management Strategies

A fibromyalgia diagnosis can be frightening and overwhelming, but arming yourself with information about the condition and how to manage it can be very beneficial. Together with our recommendations on managing sleep difficulties, muscle aches, and depression, finding a local support group or online forum can be a helpful resource.


According to a recent study, there may be a correlation between having fibromyalgia and immune system involvement. This could be the starting point for more effective autoimmune disease therapies and drugs.

There’s also a promising new blood test in the works that could diagnose fibromyalgia, relieving millions of sufferers of the stress and anxiety that comes with not being heard and understood. Because the illness is known to have genetic roots, this may potentially benefit members of your own family.

If you have fibromyalgia, we hope these recommendations are helpful, and if you’re having trouble getting a diagnosis or treatment, we encourage you to keep going to your doctor and other medical specialists until you do.

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