Despite the fact that the show has been off the air for several decades, a new generation of fans has been enjoying “Xena: Warrior Princess,” a funny, low-budget show that aired from 1995 to 2021. This series, which starred Lucy Lawless as the eponymous figure, only had 134 episodes, much to the dismay of viewers who wished they could have seen more of the magic, sizzling fictitious views on history, and plenty of sexual innuendos.
One of the reasons this show continues to draw viewers today is that the storyline is still intriguing to young people: a feminist hero in an old society who displays no fear and yields to no one. Although the Xena character has a shady past, she seeks redemption by making amends for her actions. This includes taking out the evil guys and assisting those who are unable to defend themselves. With that in mind, what are the show’s stars up to current days? Let’s look at it, shall we?
1-Lucy Lawless
You’d think that being the star of an action/fantasy program would make it impossible for Lawless to get acting employment that didn’t require her to let out a war cry and show off her weaponry skills. But you can find her in a range of shows and movies that are clearly not about warrior princesses, including the sitcom Parks and Recreation and the comedy-drama series Mr. Corman. She also appeared in films such as Spider-Man and Eurotrip.