Persons to Avoid Following A Breakup

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Your ex’s former loves

Persons to Avoid Following A Breakup

It’s tempting to dig up dirt by visiting your ex’s former lovers. After all, you both have a burning hatred (or at least a basic disdain) for the person, and it may feel like you’re getting closure to find out why previous relationships didn’t work. But, this will not assist you in your healing process. Yeah, people may claim your ex is judgmental or controlling, but your circumstance may not represent the context of that particular breakup.

After all, one person’s ex may be another’s, ideal spouse. Furthermore, if they are not over the individual in issue, these ex-partners may have nasty intentions. Only your support system actually cares about you and will become competitive or envious, and it is to them that you should turn during this time — not to a stranger.

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