How to Know if It’s Long Term or Just Lust

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Anyone who’s ever been in a relationship with someone they couldn’t keep their hands off knows that it’s a thrilling feeling. However, such relationships often don’t last. While physical chemistry is important, it’s crucial to recognize that, like love, lust can distort your view of the relationship. Consulting a relationship expert can help you see things clearly. Remember, finding a partner who matches you mentally, emotionally, and physically is crucial. Since lust fades, investing time and effort in finding the right person is worthwhile.

Believe it or not, you can find someone who is a perfect match mentally, emotionally, and physically. Because lust fades, it’s worth the effort to find a partner with all these qualities. Consulting a relationship expert can be a great first step. Understanding how to discern these qualities is vital. Here are some questions to help you determine if your partner is a good match both inside and outside the bedroom. This approach can save you from future heartbreak and make your relationship more fulfilling. To find out more and get the answers to these crucial questions, please flip the page.


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