Because celebrities are so beloved by their fans and have such a wide following, what they say is important. When it comes to dietary advice, however, they are no more authority than any random Joe off the street. As a result, when they recommend strange diets or detox procedures, they do it without fully understanding what they’re talking about.
Nonetheless, they do provide some dietary ideas that are actually fairly solid and have the support of legitimate nutritionists in some cases. Here are ten eating programs that are both safe and effective. But, before making any major changes to your diet, always consult with a doctor or a qualified dietician.
Actress Emily Ratajkowski: Eat more protein
Ratajkowski has made it clear that she enjoys eating beef. It contains everything she requires: iron, protein, and pure, unadulterated sweetness. You’ll never catch her eating a salad! Nutritionists are enthusiastic about this. Meat protein and fat, for example, take longer to digest than carbs and, as a result, keep you feeling fuller for longer. Protein-rich foods also boost your metabolism, keeping you energized. Yet, best of all, protein is a natural appetite suppressant, which means you’re less likely to develop cravings later in the day.