15 Famous Women Who Have Found Happiness (Or Not) With Partners 15+ Years Their Junior

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9-Geena Davis & Reza Jarrahy — 15-Year Age Difference

Reza, an Iranian American craniofacial surgeon, was 27 when he crossed paths with then-42-year-old Geena Davis at a late ’90s party. The age disparity was a notable factor for Geena, who confessed to Good Housekeeping in 2006, “A relationship with him seemed a little far-fetched. I remember thinking, “This guy is cute — and ridiculously young.” Despite reservations, they got married in 2001, marking Geena’s fourth marriage. They welcomed three children and remained together for nearly 17 years.
In May 2018, Reza filed for divorce citing irreconcilable differences. However, Geena countered, asserting they were never legally married as they lacked a marriage license or paid fees, despite a ceremonial event in 2001.

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