15 Famous Women Who Have Found Happiness (Or Not) With Partners 15+ Years Their Junior

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7-Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart — 18-Year Age Difference

This famous dancing duo’s love story unfolded when Jennifer Lopez, aged 42, fell for Casper Smart, aged 24. Their connection initially sparked during professional collaborations, with Casper serving as J.Lo’s backup dancer on tour and in music videos. Casper, reflecting on their romance to Wake Up America, shared, “Neither of us thought it would be more than a fun time, and suddenly, we were spending time together; We enjoyed each other’s company and had great chemistry
For Jennifer, the relationship held deeper significance. She credited Casper for aiding her through a challenging divorce from singer Marc Anthony, telling People, “I just got out of a big, heavy, devastating thing, and he’s helped me heal. “He’s always been there for me.” They shared an on-again, off-again relationship for five years, experiencing a brief split in 2014 before ultimately parting ways in 2016.

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