Are there any additional commonalities between people who share the same blood type? They may be more susceptible to developing specific ailments, it turns out. In particular, researchers have shown a link between blood types and the risk of cardiovascular disease, various viral diseases, and cancer. There is evidence that blood types affect gastrointestinal and pancreatic disease risk. The first blood type (O) has the lowest risk of most diseases of all the blood types.
Remember that just because your blood type is predisposed to a particular disease doesn’t imply you will get sick. To reduce the risk, keep in mind to wash your hands, go to the doctor, and do other necessary things.
According to recent research, those with blood type O are less likely to get pancreatic cancer. The A kids are more likely to develop stomach cancer, according to other studies.
2-Cardiovascular diseases
The A, B, and AB types are confirmed to have a higher risk of venous thrombosis by meta-analyses. The enhanced Willebrand factor, which is in charge of blood clotting, is accountable for this. The O kinds have a substantially lower risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, and peripheral artery disease in addition to having a much lower Willebrand factor.
3-Infectious diseases
The stomach and duodenal pathogen Helicobacter pylori is more likely to affect O types. Additionally, these persons are more prone to cholera, Escherichia coli, and norovirus-related illnesses. However, those with blood type O recover from malaria more quickly.
According to a recent study, women with type O may experience difficulties getting pregnant because of elevated levels of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), which reduce the number of eggs produced. In a different study, researchers discovered that B types had a greater success rate with IVF than O and A kinds.
5-Memory loss
If having the rarest AB blood type ever made you feel special, you might find the following statement upsetting. In 2014, studies claimed that AB personalities were 82% more likely to experience cognitive problems in later life.
6-Type II diabetes
Type I diabetes cannot be prevented, however, you should be aware that type A and type B blood types are 20% more likely to acquire type II diabetes.
Diabetic woman monitoring blood sugar.
7-Special diet
Let’s finally discuss the infamous blood-type diet. By incorporating specific foods into your everyday life or avoiding others, this diet is supposed to improve your health and reduce your risk of getting diseases. However, no conclusive findings that would demonstrate the efficiency of the diet have been discovered by researchers. However, eating healthily will probably improve your mood, so it’s worth giving it a shot. Despite the fact that your blood type has probably nothing to do with it.